Dr. Stancliff Parts 1 and 2

Healing Synergy Founder, Dr. Kavitha Krishnan, speaks with Dr. Sherry Stancliff, who is full faculty for the Occupational Therapy Assistant Program at Rowan Cabarrus Community College in Salisbury, NC.

Topics discussed include:

  • School Based Therapy Services
  • Eligibility
  • Differences in Service Delivery, IEP, 504 Plans – Least Restrictive Environments, School OT’s Servicing Children with Autism and Mental Health Issues


  1. Understanding RTI: https://www.ldonline.org/ld-topics/re…
  2. NC paperwork link: https://www.dpi.nc.gov/media/11860/open
  3. NC Paper paperwork link: https://www.dpi.nc.gov/media/11467/do…

This is a 3 Part series, so stay tuned for Part 3, coming soon! Subscribe to the Healing Synergy YouTube channel today! Follow Healing Synergy on Instagram! @ HealingSynergyLLC

Read Dr. Krishnan’s book, The SI Solution! https://www.amazon.com/SI-Solution-De…


Healing Synergy Founder, Dr. Kavitha Krishnan, sits down with Dr. Chinno Ingram, from the Dept. of Occupational Therapy, Clinical Assistant Professor of Winston Salem State University, NC to discuss child NICU and family finances for families with special needs. Enjoy!

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Follow Healing Synergy on Instagram! @HealingSynergyLLC