Healing Synergy Founder, Dr. Kavitha Krishnan, speaks with Dr. Megan Collins, Ph.D, OTR/L, FAOTA, CAPS, CFPS Professor – Occupational Therapy Department – Winston Salem University. Topics discussed include: – Assisted…
Resource Center

Dr. Megan Collins – Assisted Devices For Children

Birth Injury Center
“Cerebral palsy is a result of brain damage or abnormal brain development that affects an individual’s ability to control their muscles. It is most likely to develop within the first…

Cerebral Palsy Treatment
“Doctor reviewed, our material extends deep into CP and brain injury, with topics ranging from counseling and treatment to wellness, PT, culture, inclusion, assistance, education, and more.” https://www.cerebralpalsyguidance.com/cerebral-palsy/treatment/

Dr. Esmeralda Vazquez – Occupational Therapist
Healing Synergy Founder, Dr. Kavitha Krishnan, speaks with Occupational Therapist, Dr. Esmeralda Vazquez, Owner of Stepping Stones Therapeutics, INC in Chicago, IL. And Occupational Therapist Seating and Positioning for Shirley…

School Based OT Managing Challenging Behavior in School
Healing Synergy Founder, Dr. Kavitha Krishnan, speaks with Dr. Anagha Dewoolkar, Occupational Therapist at Maya Services in Chicago, IL. Topics discussed include: Follow Healing Synergy on Instagram! @ HealingSynergyLLC Read…

Dr. Stancliff Part 3
This week, Healing Synergy Founder, Dr. Kavitha Krishnan, picks the conversation back up for part 3 with Dr. Sherry Stancliff, who is full faculty for the Occupational Therapy Assistant Program…

Dr. Stancliff Parts 1 and 2
Healing Synergy Founder, Dr. Kavitha Krishnan, speaks with Dr. Sherry Stancliff, who is full faculty for the Occupational Therapy Assistant Program at Rowan Cabarrus Community College in Salisbury, NC. Topics…

Healing Synergy Founder, Dr. Kavitha Krishnan, sits down with Dr. Chinno Ingram, from the Dept. of Occupational Therapy, Clinical Assistant Professor of Winston Salem State University, NC to discuss child…