Dr. Esmeralda Vazquez – Occupational Therapist

Healing Synergy Founder, Dr. Kavitha Krishnan, speaks with Occupational Therapist, Dr. Esmeralda Vazquez, Owner of Stepping Stones Therapeutics, INC in Chicago, IL. And Occupational Therapist Seating and Positioning for Shirley Ryan AbilityLab. Topics discussed include: – Designing Wheelchairs for Children with Motor Difficulties and Working with Spanish Speaking Families from Underserved Communities.

School Based OT Managing Challenging Behavior in School

Healing Synergy Founder, Dr. Kavitha Krishnan, speaks with Dr. Anagha Dewoolkar, Occupational Therapist at Maya Services in Chicago, IL.

Topics discussed include:

  • School Based OT Managing Challenging Behavior in School Subscribe to the Healing Synergy YouTube channel today!

Follow Healing Synergy on Instagram! @ HealingSynergyLLC

Read Dr. Krishnan’s book, The SI Solution! https://www.amazon.com/SI-Solution-De…

Dr. Stancliff Part 3

This week, Healing Synergy Founder, Dr. Kavitha Krishnan, picks the conversation back up for part 3 with Dr. Sherry Stancliff, who is full faculty for the Occupational Therapy Assistant Program at Rowan Cabarrus Community College in Salisbury, NC.

Topics discussed include:

– Least Restrictive Environments, School OT’s Servicing Children with Autism and Mental Health Issues

Dr. Stancliff Links:

– Understanding RTI: https://www.ldonline.org/ld-topics/re…

– NC paperwork link: https://www.dpi.nc.gov/media/11860/open

– NC Paper paperwork link: https://www.dpi.nc.gov/media/11467/do…

Subscribe to the Healing Synergy YouTube channel today! Follow Healing Synergy on Instagram! @ HealingSynergyLLC

Read Dr. Krishnan’s book, The SI Solution! https://www.amazon.com/SI-Solution-De...