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Cerebral Palsy Guide

38 Families with a Sensory Child in Quarantine
Fun and Function Welcome to today’s webinar!Families with a Sensory Child in Quarantine. Presented by Dr. Kavitha Krishnan.

How To Talk To Your Child With Autism – COVID 19
Healing Synergy’s Dr. Kavitha gives advice on how to speak to your child about stay healthy during these uncertain times. Free downloadable resource sheets for your family! Healing Synergy Resource…

Safe Practices For Your Family
Healing Synergy’s Dr. Kavitha gives practical advice on how to stay healthy during these uncertain times, along with free downloadable resource sheets for your family!

Winter Clothing For The Sensory Child
Healing Synergy – Winter Clothes For The Sensory Child Be sure to follow us on Facebook & Instagram! @HealingSynergyLLC

Tips for the Holidays and Travel
This time of year is packed with different holidays and much travel. Its either a time that’s super fun to be with families and friends during gatherings and parties. Or…

Veterans Day
Veterans day is a day we honor the men and women who have worn the uniform to proudly serve the country. I will take this time to also give…

Trick or Treat for the Sensory Challenged Child
Nothing screams Halloween more than transforming your little one into their favorite Disney Cartoon character or super hero. This is a great time for dressing up in their cute costumes…